Battery Waste Management – Legal Framework Project

YAZCONSULT brings to the forefront a wealth of expertise in legislation-related endeavors, including some in the realm of environmental laws. Through meticulous study and active engagement, YAZCONSULT has undertaken numerous projects aimed at understanding and improving environmental legislation, one of which is the comprehensive analysis of the current and potential batteries value chain in Lebanon – Study of the legal framework “Retrofitting of public buildings through green technologies and processes (RE- FIT)” project.

The project “Retrofitting of public buildings through green technologies and processes” (RE-FIT), funded by the European Union and executed by Istituto per la Cooperazione Universitaria (ICU), Arcenciel (aec), University of Genoa (UNIGE), and Fondation Diane, aims at advancing the adoption and promotion of renewable energy (RE) and energy-efficient (EE) technologies in Lebanon, particularly focusing on public buildings.

The project also aims to contribute to the establishment of a formalized battery waste value chain in Lebanon through legislative reforms and institutional enhancements. By addressing legal gaps and promoting sustainable practices, the project endeavors to mitigate environmental pollution and safeguard public health.

Through collaboration with key stakeholders and adherence to EU standards and best practices, YAZCONSULT’s role was to clearly identify the Lebanese framework related to battery end-of-life, highlight the gaps in the institution and legal framework and the needs for improvement as well as giving recommendations for regulatory and institutional arrangements, to get a more efficient and effective battery waste management.

YAZCONSULT studied and analyzed the current legal, regulatory, and institutional framework in Lebanon and the European Union, analyzed related policies, highlighted gaps in the Lebanese framework, provided recommendations, including a priority list, for enhancing the related legal, regulatory, and institutional framework.

YAZCONSULT also engaged in round table discussions with key stakeholders to present the legal assessment findings and proposed reforms, prepared and presented relevant documents to facilitate informed discussions. The results were discussed with the Minister of Environment and his team, the EU representative, Fondation Diane, UNDP Lebanon, ICU and LCEC.

At last, YAZCONSULT developed proposals for draft laws aligned with recommendations to improve battery management practices.

YAZCONSULT continues to participate in workshops and roundtable discussions related to the studied topic, with the latest workshop organized by the Ministry of Environment and the Hanns Seidel Stiftung held on March 27, 2024.

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